Firearms Companies Restricting Sales To GOVERNMENT Agencies In Areas That Restrict Gun Rights

“A growing number of firearm and firearm-related companies have stated they will no longer sell items to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens’ rights to own them.” Continue reading Firearms Companies Restricting Sales To GOVERNMENT Agencies In Areas That Restrict Gun Rights

WashTimes: Obama’s real gun-control aim

“The document puts the administration’s plans into context. Mr. Obama and his allies want to know who owns every single gun in this country, and if they think a gun is scary looking, they will take it away.” Continue reading WashTimes: Obama’s real gun-control aim

Biden: We’re counting on ‘legitimate media’ for successful gun control effort

During a press conference on gun safety in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden said that any reports that suggest that he was trying to take weapons away from gun owners was a “bunch of malarkey.” Continue reading Biden: We’re counting on ‘legitimate media’ for successful gun control effort

Mayors’ group to air Super Bowl ad pushing for background checks

“The pro-gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns will air an advertisement during the Super Bowl pressing lawmakers to institute universal background checks on firearm sales.” Continue reading Mayors’ group to air Super Bowl ad pushing for background checks