Feinstein to introduce bill banning 120 specific guns, including some handguns

Cites junk science, e.g., Maryland ban on “assault pistols” results in reduced police recovery of “assault pistols.” Continue reading Feinstein to introduce bill banning 120 specific guns, including some handguns

Lott: David Brock, Media Matters and gun control hypocrisy

“And now, with the Daily Caller’s revelations this week, Brock joins a long line of gun control advocates who take the “do as I say, not as I do” approach to guns.” Continue reading Lott: David Brock, Media Matters and gun control hypocrisy

Holding purveyors of anti-gun junk science accountable?

“The intent here is not really to advocate suing or prosecuting those who push dubious “studies” that support more oppressive gun laws. Instead, let this be seen as a warning against placing restrictions on the First Amendment…” Continue reading Holding purveyors of anti-gun junk science accountable?