Jesse Kelly explains what facts don’t matter to communists

From the May 26, 2021 episode of Tucker Carlson’s show. The entire segment is great but pay particular attention to what Jesse Kelly says between 2:08-2:27. He explains precisely why facts bounce of the left, whether the topic is gun control, climate, COVID, race, Trump or anything else. Just brilliant.

Claim: Study finds consistent link between violent crime and concealed-carry gun permits

“The magnitude of this association is relatively low” — meaning it’s junk. Continue reading Claim: Study finds consistent link between violent crime and concealed-carry gun permits

Claim: Guns don’t make nations safer — But violent crime rate in gun-free UK is 4x higher than US

A study rushed to publication following the Navy Yard shooting. Continue reading Claim: Guns don’t make nations safer — But violent crime rate in gun-free UK is 4x higher than US