Juliet Eilperin again fails to disclose conflict-of-interest

Washington Post environmental reporter writer Juliet Eilperin again cites the Center for American Progress and fails to disclose that her husband is a senior fellow there. Continue reading Juliet Eilperin again fails to disclose conflict-of-interest

HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes

Thanks to Steve Milloy for alerting JunkScience readers earlier today to this 1/16/13 Huffington Post article by Climate Counts Project Director Mike Bellamente. When asked if he attempted to apply his own ‘handling’ tips to people who promote the idea of man-caused global warming, Bellamente said he did. We await to find out how that turned out for him, but let’s go ahead and try that exercise right here, shall we? Continue reading HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes

Washington Free Beacon: the ‘believe-it-or-not inaugural meetings of the progressive Democracy Initiative’

A must-read piece by Matthew Continetti, stemming from – of all places, Mother Jones – on how Greenpeace and other progressives want “… to change the rules of the game so that greens and unions can push their agenda….” Continue reading Washington Free Beacon: the ‘believe-it-or-not inaugural meetings of the progressive Democracy Initiative’

Alarmist Dave Roberts: Fossil fuels good, people bad

Not only is uber-alrmist Dave Roberts enjoying 83-degree warmth at a 56,000 square-foot water park in Washington state, but he’s hating the other people there. Continue reading Alarmist Dave Roberts: Fossil fuels good, people bad

Hypocrisy Alert: Radical Green to Enjoy 84-degree Wash. State Indoor Water Park

Maybe the Nuremberg-style skeptic trials David Roberts called for can be held there as well? Continue reading Hypocrisy Alert: Radical Green to Enjoy 84-degree Wash. State Indoor Water Park