Moonbat: ‘The educational charities that do PR for the rightwing ultra-rich’

Wake us when George Monbiot hyperventilates about corporate and billionaire funding of green groups. Continue reading Moonbat: ‘The educational charities that do PR for the rightwing ultra-rich’

Steyer-gate: Billionaire a major supporter of Center for American Progress

Center for American Progress-endorsed Energy Secretary pick nominee Thomas Steyer is also a major financial support of the group. Continue reading Steyer-gate: Billionaire a major supporter of Center for American Progress

Juliet Eilperin fails to disclose conflict in WaPo puff piece for potential Energy Secretary pick

No wonder the WaPo wants to get rid of its ombudsman (public editor) position. Continue reading Juliet Eilperin fails to disclose conflict in WaPo puff piece for potential Energy Secretary pick

Hypocritical Message from Protesters to Obama: ‘If you don’t stop KXL, we will’

Of course, this contrasts quote sharply with the Sierra Club propaganda photo of the event. Continue reading Hypocritical Message from Protesters to Obama: ‘If you don’t stop KXL, we will’

Busted: Rockefellers give millions to

“By my analysis of information from the U.S. Foundation Center and the tax filings of American charitable foundations, McKibben’s campaigns have received more than 100 grants since 2005 for a total of US$10-million from 50 charitable foundations. Six of those grants were for roughly US$1-million each.” Continue reading Busted: Rockefellers give millions to

Bill McKibben is not what he seems to be – WUWT catches him in a lie

“While Bill McKibben tries to portray himself as just a concerned citizen out to change the world due to his fears of global warming, by running a “grassroots organization”, the reality is he’s quite well funded by the rich, as this investigation reveals.” Continue reading Bill McKibben is not what he seems to be – WUWT catches him in a lie

Al Gore hits free market groups for tobacco industry ties — like his own?

Al Gore’s family was part of the same tobacco industry (even 20 years after the Surgeon General’s 1964 report) and he accepted tobacco industry contributions (even after his chain-smoking sister’s lung cancer death). Continue reading Al Gore hits free market groups for tobacco industry ties — like his own?