Spy plane finds homes ‘wasting’ energy

The Daily Mail (UK) reported today that,

Our movements are already tracked by CCTV, speed cameras and even spies in dustbins.

Now snooping on the public has reached new heights with local authorities putting spy planes in the air to snoop on homeowners who are wasting too much energy.

Thermal imaging cameras are being used to create colour-coded maps which will enable council officers to identify offenders and pay them a visit to educate them about the harm to the environment and measures they can take…

It said the exercise has been so successful other local authorities are planning to follow suit.

But critics have warned the crackdown was another example of local authorities extending their charter to poke their noses into every aspect of people’s lives…

Seattle to vote on plastic bag fees

SeattlePI.com reports that Seattle residents will vote in August on whether to impose on themselves a 20-cent surcharge for plastic shopping bags.

Does a surcharge make sense?

Here’s what a GreenHellBlog commenter had to say:

In point of fact, the plastic bags are made from waste gases that would be burned off on the waste stack (that big flaming torch you see at refineries). Instead, it is sequestered in the bags and put back in the Earth where it came from. If you actually believe in the Great Carbon Swindle then the plastic bags are your Earth Mother-God’s savior. The rest of us just enjoy their convenience. I recycle them as waste basket liners before trashing them, finally.

A manager at a plastic bag company said,

Plastic bags will degrade in about 1.5 years in a litter situation… For some reason, and I do not understand why, irresponsible environmental groups are trying to rid the use of plastic bags. Responsible use and recycling is the answer. Period. Plastic bags use less energy to produce and transport, they are 100 percent recyclable, there is virtually no pollution involved with there manufacturing, and they create thousands of well-paying U.S. jobs.

Take action:

Seattle residents should vote ‘no’ on the plastic bag surcharge.

‘Humans!’ The anti-people green video

The greens hate people. Check out this video. Behind its terrific animation, however, is the ugly truth about how the greens view about mankind. Here’s the producer’s description of the video:

Humans! is a 60 second global awareness PSA sensationalizing the excessive, all-consuming nature of the human being. This cute and naive Earth stands no chance against such an insatiable parasite. Witness its utter demise in a fun and sickening kind of way.

Obama picks green to wave white flag

President Obama has selected former World Resources Institute climate activist Jonathan Pershing to surrender our standard of living, national dignity and sovereignty at the upcoming United Nations climate treaty meeting in Copenhagen in December.

Here’s the U.S. State Department announcement.

Here’s the WRI statement.

Here’s a WRI interview with Pershing.

Was Al Gore too busy to sell out America in Copenhagen?

GreenieMae? Dems propose Green Bank

Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen introduced on March 24 the Green Bank Act of 2009 — the latest green scheme to rob taxpayers and funnel money to renewable energy scams.

As proposed by Van Hollen, the Green Bank Act of 2009 would:

  • Create the Green Bank as an independent, tax-exempt, wholly owned corporation of the United States with the exclusive mission of providing a comprehensive range of financing support to qualified clean energy and energy efficiency projects within the territorial United States.
  • Provide the Green Bank with an initial capitalization of $10 billion through the issuance of Green Bonds by the Department of Treasury, with a maximum authorized limit of $50 billion in Green Bonds outstanding at any one time.
  • Assist in advancing vital national objectives — including transitioning to a clean energy economy, job creation through the construction and operation of clean energy and energy efficiency projects, abating climate change, energy independence from foreign sources, and fostering long-term domestic manufacturing capacity in clean energy and energy efficiency technologies.
  • Include robust spending safeguards and public disclosure requirements to ensure that the Green Bank operates at the highest levels of efficacy, accountability and transparency.

Original co-sponsors of the Green Bank Act of 2009 include Congressman David Loebsack (D-IA), Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo (D-GU).

A couple quick thoughts:

  • Don’t taxpayers already provide ample welfare to the renewable energy industry through provisions like tax credits and Obama’s Stimulus plan?
  • Has Van Hollen ever heard of the financial disasters that are FannieMae and FreddieMac?

Take action:

Contact the bill’s sponsors.

Milloy talks Green Hell with G. Gordon Liddy

Click here to listen to G. Gordon Liddy’s RadioAmerica interview today with Steve Milloy about Milloy’s new book Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them.

You won’t want to miss Liddy producer Franklin Raff reading the directions for reusable toilet wipes.

EPA: Regulate CO2 under existing law

Big Green Brother is moving to bootstrap itself into existence.

As per the 2007 Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v. EPA, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has submitted to the White House its proposed finding that carbon dioxide can be regulated under the existing Clean Air Act.

Click here for the EPA document.

This is basically an ultimatum to Congress and regulated industries from the Obama administration: Either Congress regulates CO2 or EPA will via the arbitrary and oppressive Clean Air Act.

That’s “green democracy” in action.

Obama’s economic Rx: Renewable rip-offs

President Obama said today,

“We’ve seen enough. We can remain the world’s leading importer of foreign oil, or we can become the world’s leading exporter of renewable energy.”

Three points in response to Obama’s green-tinted America-bashing:

  • Who around the world (except U.S. taxpayers) can afford to subsidize economically inefficient renewables like solar and wind technologies?
  • Maybe we wouldn’t need to import so much oil if only the greens would let us drill.
  • We may be the leading importer of foreign oil, but we do the most with that oil. We are the most productive country in history.

NYC co-op: Green is easy with taxpayer $$$

Taxpayers have greened up the River Arts co-op in New York City, according to a report in today’s New York Times.

Daunted by the $400,000 price tag of a new solar power system for the co-op, its board balked at the 10 years it would take to recover the investment through energy savings.

Then, taxpayers came to the rescue — providing enough federal, state and city tax credits to reduce the net cost of the solar system to $10,000.

It would seem that the least River Arts residents could do would be to invite us taxpayer sugar-daddies over for a cocktail.

Steve Milloy’s new book Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them spotlights America’s new class — the green elites.

New green target: Car colors

California is working to reduce your choice in car colors in the name of green.

Carbon Control News reported today that California regulators have proposed that car makers use so-called “cool” paints to reduce the interior temperature of cars, thereby reducing air conditioning use and, consequently, improving gas mileage.

Automakers say such a regulation would:

  • Eliminate a significant number of vehicle colors (e.g., black paint and dark metallic colors would essentially be banned, representing 40 percent of sales for some manufacturers);
  • Raise costs for manufacturers and consumers — about $1.2 billion annually; and
  • Increase CO2 emissions because of forced changes in the painting process and increased vehicular weight.

You may only be able to buy white/light-colored cars, but what about Al Gore (check out this video) and the other green elites?

New planetary burden: Meat-eating pets

Paul Greenberg opines today in the New York Times that dogs and cats should go vegan. Writing about his cat, Greenberg says,

Coco, like most American cats, ate fish. And a great deal of them — more in a year than the average African human, according to Jason Clay at the World Wildlife Fund. And unlike the chicken or beef Coco also gobbled up, all those fish were wild animals, scooped out of the sea and flown thousands of carbon-belching miles to reach his little blue bowl.

The use of wild fish in animal feed is a serious problem for the world’s food systems. Around a third of all wild fish caught are “reduced” into fish meal and fish oil. And yet most of the outrage about this is focused not on land-based animals like Coco but on other fish — namely farm-raised fish.

But if you feel that a vegan pet would “go against nature,” Greenberg says you should “rethink a pet’s potential footprint before acquiring one”:

A carnivore, be it a cat, a dog or a salmon, is a heavy burden for the environment and should not be brought under human care lightly. In my family, this has become a topic of debate as we consider our next animal. Coco was an interesting and unique creature, and I argue that he cannot be replaced. To me, a vegetarian substitute is seeming more and more appealing. Lately, I’ve had my eye on a guinea pig.

Hats off to the New York Times for allowing Greenberg to share his thoughts with the world — otherwise, you couldn’t make this stuff up.

Doug Giles: ‘Green shoved up our backsides’

Check out Doug Giles’ Townhall.com column, “Welcome to Green Hell, Where You’re All a Bunch of Slaves.”

Here’s a taste:

Brace yourself, boys and girls, as we’re about to have green shoved up our backsides like never before. Yep, going emerald will soon move from being an Ed Begley, Jr./Daryl Hannah option and will quickly become a government dictate because climate change is a “fact,” or as Ron Burgundy would say, “It’s science.”

Here’s Doug’s closing — your attention, please:

Lastly, do yourself a favor—those of you who can still think freely—and get Steve Milloy’s new book Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Ruin Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them. As the founder and editor of JunkScience.com, Steve Milloy has been monitoring the greens for over 13 years. Now, as many Americans wake up under this green thumb for the first time, Milloy can tell us what the greens are targeting first—and what we as American citizens can do to stop them.