To hell with Africa say the 1st world warmer fanatics

Oh, sure they pretend to care, sure they care about people who have little but are breaking out of the bind of poverty and deprivation.
Continue reading To hell with Africa say the 1st world warmer fanatics

California Circles Drain–Hanson Opines on Solutions

Victor Davis Hanson is a Classicist, now Fellow at the Hoover. Native Californian with a farm at Selma close to Fresno.
He knows and cares about CA.
Continue reading California Circles Drain–Hanson Opines on Solutions

No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exists UK to avoid taxes

Hypocrite Virgin Airways owner Richard Branson raves on his blog: Continue reading No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exists UK to avoid taxes

Lib UCLA prof: Enviros dislike growth & consumption, and are ‘eager to believe the worst’ and ‘averse to technological solutions’

Cathy Young writes in the Gulf Today: Continue reading Lib UCLA prof: Enviros dislike growth & consumption, and are ‘eager to believe the worst’ and ‘averse to technological solutions’

Video: ‘Green’ orphanage forces children to make own biofuels to save oxygen-providing local forest

Deutsche Welle reports: Continue reading Video: ‘Green’ orphanage forces children to make own biofuels to save oxygen-providing local forest

Actress Daryl Hannah recommends pre-industrial energy portfolio — no fossil fuels and reliance on ‘decentralized renewable energy’

UPI reports: Continue reading Actress Daryl Hannah recommends pre-industrial energy portfolio — no fossil fuels and reliance on ‘decentralized renewable energy’

Rich: Michael Mann says ‘villain’ Rupert Murdoch ‘uses his media empire to smear people & groups he doesn’t like’

Wow… here’s his tweet and just a few pot-kettle examples. Continue reading Rich: Michael Mann says ‘villain’ Rupert Murdoch ‘uses his media empire to smear people & groups he doesn’t like’

McKibben to debut global warming doc on Al Jazeera — after slamming Gore for CurrentTV selling to petrodollar-funded network

The Daily Caller reports: Continue reading McKibben to debut global warming doc on Al Jazeera — after slamming Gore for CurrentTV selling to petrodollar-funded network

Warmist McKibben: ‘I don’t know that I feel like a hypocrite anymore. I mean, I fly all the time’

From a Salon interview with’s Bill McKibben: Continue reading Warmist McKibben: ‘I don’t know that I feel like a hypocrite anymore. I mean, I fly all the time’

UK shoppers to ripped off with plastic bag fees — despite no evidence they damage environment

Contrary to popular belief, plastic bags are not laying waste to dolphins. Continue reading UK shoppers to ripped off with plastic bag fees — despite no evidence they damage environment