Goklany: How Fossil Fuels Save Humanity from Nature and Nature from Humanity

Until the last quarter of a millennium, mankind depended on living nature for all its food and clothing, most of its energy, and much of its material and medicines. Then mankind began to develop technologies to augment or displace living nature’s uncertain bounty. In a new study, author Indur Goklany shows how fossil fuels not only saved humanity from nature’s whims, but nature from humanity’s demands. Continue reading Goklany: How Fossil Fuels Save Humanity from Nature and Nature from Humanity

It’s not easy to replace foam lunch trays with greener options, school officials say

“Max said he worries about the health repercussions of littering Earth with foam.” [Washington Post]… We suggest that Max develop an interest in a more important issue to his present and future — like our disastrous economy.

CFACT: Environmentalist power trips harm poor countries

“The real danger is treaties, laws, regulations and taxes imposed in the name of preventing global-warming catastrophes that exist only in computer models, horror movies and environmentalist press releases. These political schemes will exacerbate and perpetuate poverty, disease, unemployment and economic stagnation. That is neither just nor sustainable.” [Washington Times]

‘Save the Environment…from Susan Rice’

“Ms. Rice ‘holds significant investments in more than a dozen Canadian oil companies and banks that would stand to benefit from expansion of the North American tar sands industry and construction of the proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline.’ (onearth.org, Nov. 28, 2012).” [Canada Free Press]

Climate alarmist utility CEO forced out by regulators

Duke Energy CEO and USCAP co-founder Jim Rogers will get to spend more time with the grandchildren who taught him about the dangers of global warming. [Indiana Business Journal]


For more posters, check out JunkScience.com’s “Carbon Criminal” campaign, which was denounced by Sen. Barbara Boxer.