Not science. Stupidity. Continue reading Sugar may not only cause cancer — it may spread it
Category: Food, Beverages & Diet
Claim: Fat-but-fit a myth
Reality: Claim a myth. Continue reading Claim: Fat-but-fit a myth
Congress: We need to review the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
So that’s the good news. Continue reading Congress: We need to review the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Coca-Cola intimidated into stopping scientific defense of its products
Coke’s CEO ought to be fired for knuckling under to food nanny bullying. Continue reading Coca-Cola intimidated into stopping scientific defense of its products
Government can’t even measure energy content of nuts correctly
USDA nutrient database is 21% off. Continue reading Government can’t even measure energy content of nuts correctly
Why the government should stay out of the nutrition/diet recommendation business
In addition to the fact that the government has other, more constitutional things to do, a new study explains why government dietary advice is folly. Continue reading Why the government should stay out of the nutrition/diet recommendation business
Mistaken Advice on Red Meat and Cancer
These guys understand the junky nature of epidemiology. Continue reading Mistaken Advice on Red Meat and Cancer
Crazy: WaPo calls for federal sugar tax
The food nannies say eating sugar-sweetened foods is — get this — “destructive behavior.” Continue reading Crazy: WaPo calls for federal sugar tax
Infographic shows why junk food not to blame for obesity ‘crisis’
There is no link between so-called ‘junk food’ and body mass index for 95% of Americans. here’s why in a chart. Continue reading Infographic shows why junk food not to blame for obesity ‘crisis’
Magical Food Claim: Cranberries effective for reducing need for antibiotics
The cranberry industry pushes its product ahead of Thanksgiving. Continue reading Magical Food Claim: Cranberries effective for reducing need for antibiotics
‘Junk food’ not related to obesity for 95% of population
As has been saying for years. Have a C0ke and a smile. Continue reading ‘Junk food’ not related to obesity for 95% of population
Video: Government Dietary Guidelines Wrong from the Start
A terrific three minutes from the Salt Guru. Continue reading Video: Government Dietary Guidelines Wrong from the Start