Study: Diet Drinks Won’t Boost Your Appetite

“Take another sip of that Diet Coke – a new study suggests diet soda drinkers don’t eat any more sugary or fatty foods than people who stick with water instead.” Continue reading Study: Diet Drinks Won’t Boost Your Appetite

Magical Food: Coffee decreases risk of death

“A large study of nearly half a million older adults followed for about 12 years revealed a clear trend: As coffee drinking increased, the risk of death decreased.” Continue reading Magical Food: Coffee decreases risk of death

Advising pregnant women to drink no alcohol is counterproductive

“There is no evidence that low levels of drinking during pregnancy are harmful, and to say so risks stigmatising responsible drinkers.” Continue reading Advising pregnant women to drink no alcohol is counterproductive

Claim: Caffeine linked to low birth weight babies

The Food Police have been pushing this junk for almost 40 years, but no joy. This study doesn’t cut it either. A complex health outcome — e.g., birth weight — cannot be studied with unreliable, self-reported and/or partial data. Continue reading Claim: Caffeine linked to low birth weight babies

UK: Food retailers underestimating calorie content of some foods, scientists say

“Dieters who eat high-fibre foods consume more calories than they think because retailers’ calorie count system is out of date.” Continue reading UK: Food retailers underestimating calorie content of some foods, scientists say

The Atlantic: Michael Bloomberg Is Coming for Your Coffee Cup

New York City mayor, Michael “Regulate the Pain Away” Bloomberg, is expected to propose a sweeping ban on plastic foam food packaging that immortal scourge of the 20th-century. Continue reading The Atlantic: Michael Bloomberg Is Coming for Your Coffee Cup

Cochrane: Routine Vitamin C effective in preventing common cold — in athletes

Routine supplementation of vitamin C in the general population is not justified for the prevention of colds. But athletes may benefit. Continue reading Cochrane: Routine Vitamin C effective in preventing common cold — in athletes