Video: Salt Guru debunks Heart Association ‘body count’ study

Check out the latest from the Salt Guru about the claim that 2.3 million die annually because of their dietary salt intake. Continue reading Video: Salt Guru debunks Heart Association ‘body count’ study

Mayor Bloomberg: Government has right to ‘infringe on your freedom’

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…” Continue reading Mayor Bloomberg: Government has right to ‘infringe on your freedom’

Bowdoin Prof in NYTimes: ‘Three Cheers for the Nanny State’

Bowdoin College’s Sarah Conly, the author of “Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism,” says we are too stupid to know what’s good for us. Continue reading Bowdoin Prof in NYTimes: ‘Three Cheers for the Nanny State’

Five Guys’ cheeseburgers aren’t killing anyone

NYTimes writer Timothy Egan spotlights what he doesn’t know about diet and health. The diet-heart hypothesis was debunked long ago. No doubt Egan missed that development because he was working within the NYTimes’ anti-science force field. Continue reading Five Guys’ cheeseburgers aren’t killing anyone

Bill Gates wants you to give up meat because of global warming and ‘brutal’ farms where animals ‘suffer needlessly’

Bill Gates = Thomas Malthus + Igrid Newkirk. Continue reading Bill Gates wants you to give up meat because of global warming and ‘brutal’ farms where animals ‘suffer needlessly’

Claim: Eating too much salt led to 2.3 million heart-related deaths worldwide in 2010

Since there’s not a single study that shows consumption of salt is dangerous to healthy people, these epidummyologists have attempted to concoct a meta-analysis to prove their pre-determined point. They get a “Fail” because 0n=0. Continue reading Claim: Eating too much salt led to 2.3 million heart-related deaths worldwide in 2010

NYTimes Food Nanny: Soda a ‘disease vector’; Next to tobacco as largest cause of preventable death; 7-oz limit

Insanity: “If this is about freedom, it’s about the freedom of marketers to sell vectors of disease; we should all be in favor of restricting that freedom.” Continue reading NYTimes Food Nanny: Soda a ‘disease vector’; Next to tobacco as largest cause of preventable death; 7-oz limit

Statistical Malpractice Claim: Soda kills 180,000 globally

But not a single study credibly links soda consumption with diabetes, heart disease or cancer … all are multifactorial diseases, the precise causes of which rarely can be medically determined due to lack of data, biological understanding and/or resources. Because of these shortcomings, Continue reading Statistical Malpractice Claim: Soda kills 180,000 globally