UK Paper says obesity epidemic is Nixon’s fault — Farm policies made burgers bigger, fries fattier

The Guardian reports: Continue reading UK Paper says obesity epidemic is Nixon’s fault — Farm policies made burgers bigger, fries fattier

Obesity Is Not a Disease: But calling it one is a symptom of our bloated federal government

Michael Tanner writes at National Review: Continue reading Obesity Is Not a Disease: But calling it one is a symptom of our bloated federal government

Ex-Heart Association Prez: ‘No science to support reducing sodium consumption to 1500 mg a day’

The Journal of the American Medical Association reports: Continue reading Ex-Heart Association Prez: ‘No science to support reducing sodium consumption to 1500 mg a day’

IOM chair on anti-salt nannies: ‘You shouldn’t make public health recommendations where there are no data to defend them’

The Journal of the American Medical Association reports: Continue reading IOM chair on anti-salt nannies: ‘You shouldn’t make public health recommendations where there are no data to defend them’