Food nannies rocked — 40 years of federal obesity research fatally flawed, says study — JunkScience vindicated again!

“These results suggest that without valid population-level data, speculations regarding the role of energy intake in the rise in the prevalence of obesity are without empirical support.” Continue reading Food nannies rocked — 40 years of federal obesity research fatally flawed, says study — JunkScience vindicated again!

CDC asks Congress for $40 million for food safety while wasting millions in useless, junk science-fueled anti-salt campaign

The CDC picks scaring the public over cottage cheese over buying gene-typing equipment. Continue reading CDC asks Congress for $40 million for food safety while wasting millions in useless, junk science-fueled anti-salt campaign

Little evidence sharp reductions in salt consumption will improve health, heart researcher says

The National Post reports: Continue reading Little evidence sharp reductions in salt consumption will improve health, heart researcher says

Green party’s proposed mandatory ‘veggie day’ causes ‘sh*tstorm’ in German elections — Are you listening Michelle O.?

Politico reports: Continue reading Green party’s proposed mandatory ‘veggie day’ causes ‘sh*tstorm’ in German elections — Are you listening Michelle O.?

Sugar Hysteria: ‘The most dangerous drug of the times’ — ‘Like alcohol, tobacco… use should be discouraged’

The Telegraph reports: Continue reading Sugar Hysteria: ‘The most dangerous drug of the times’ — ‘Like alcohol, tobacco… use should be discouraged’

Kooky food nanny Walter Willett: Ads for kids ‘exploitation, same as sweatshops’

But isn’t exploiting kids to advance the food nanny agenda also exploitation? Willett also slams capitalism. Continue reading Kooky food nanny Walter Willett: Ads for kids ‘exploitation, same as sweatshops’

Salt nannies admit no evidence for universal salt reduction — they just want a simple message

Martin Kurlansky writes in the New York Times: Continue reading Salt nannies admit no evidence for universal salt reduction — they just want a simple message