Whitewash in the Making: EPA IG to Investigate Lisa Jackson E-mail Dodge

An internal probe is announced into Lisa Jackson’s attempt to dodge FOIA requests for her e-mails busing the alias “Richard Windsor”. Continue reading Whitewash in the Making: EPA IG to Investigate Lisa Jackson E-mail Dodge

Chutzpah: EPA lies about human testing in new air pollution rule

EPA’s Federal Register announcement of the new PM2.5 air quality standards contains flat-out falsehoods about the agency’s human testing program. Continue reading Chutzpah: EPA lies about human testing in new air pollution rule

EPA-funded University of Rochester researchers test deadly air pollutant on diabetics

You’d think a guy with the name like “Günter Oberdörster” would avoid illegal human experiments like the plague. Continue reading EPA-funded University of Rochester researchers test deadly air pollutant on diabetics

EPA tightens PM2.5 standards; Milloy not allowed to ask Lisa Jackson about human testing

Arrogance in action. Questioning of EPA administrator Lisa Jackson conveniently ended while I was in the question queue. The last person allowed to ask a question said he had no question because his question had already been answered. EPA then abruptly ended questioning though I and possibly others were still in queue. At that point, EPA had only answered six friendly non-questions questions from major media including, the NYTimes, WashPost, AP, Reuters, and National Journal. [AP report on new PM2.5 standard]

House calls on Obama EPA to release secret data behind looming air rule

“Prior to finalizing the new rule, the Committee leaders said “it is essential that EPA and the White House make the underlying data linking PM2.5 and mortality publicly available in a manner sufficient for analysis by independent scientists and researchers.” [House Science Committee]

Medical Journal Article Calls EPA Human Experiments Illegal and Unethical

TUCSON, Ariz., Dec. 11, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — According to an article in the winter 2012 issue of the Journal of American Physicians
and Surgeons, research sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) violates “every law, regulation, and standard developed since World War II for the protection of human subjects.” Continue reading Medical Journal Article Calls EPA Human Experiments Illegal and Unethical

Shock: EPA exposes human guinea pigs to lead; Agency ignores own 'no safe' exposure determination

The EPA has exposed human test subjects to lead despite the agency’s conclusion that there is “no safe” level of exposure to the heavy metal. Continue reading Shock: EPA exposes human guinea pigs to lead; Agency ignores own 'no safe' exposure determination

Lung Association Poll: Another Attempt to Influence Public Opinion in the Guise of Reporting It

“Of total respondents, 63% were in favor, 30% were opposed. So according to the ALA, the public supports tougher standards by 2 to 1. But since most respondents have probably never heard or thought about the issue until that moment, the results simply confirm what everybody already knows: Most people think air pollution is a bad thing and would prefer to have less of it.” [GlobalWarming.org]

AAA urges EPA to halt approval of E15 for vehicles

“AAA, the nation’s largest travel organization, on Friday urged the Obama administration to halt the sale of E15 — a new fuel with a higher blend of ethanol — because of possible engine damage to most vehicles on the nation’s roads.” [Detroit News]

EPA Fines School Bus Co. For Diesel Idling; Who will fine EPA for diesel idling?


So it’s not okay for school buses to idle, but EPA can idle a truck and pump its diesel exhaust into the lungs of elderly people?

From the Danbury Daily Voice:

Idling diesel engines emit pollutants, which can cause or aggravate a variety of health problems, including asthma and other respiratory diseases, and the fine particles in diesel exhaust are a likely human carcinogen,” the EPA said in the statement. “Diesel exhaust not only contributes to areawide air quality problems, but more direct exposure can cause lightheadedness, nausea, sore throat, coughing and other symptoms.

Click for EPA’s illegal human experiments.

A Connecticut bus company was fined after the Environmental Protection Agency saw several school buses idling in lots. Photo Credit: Flickr user Twix via Danbury Daily Voice
A Connecticut bus company was fined after the Environmental Protection Agency saw several school buses idling in lots. Photo Credit: Flickr user Twix via Danbury Daily Voice