Acting EPA boss: We might go after existing coal plants — Apparently unaware of McCarthy-Senate deal nixing coal plant rules

“[T]hat’s certainly something that will be on the table in this next fiscal year,” acting EPA Administrator Bob Perciasepe told reporters last week. Continue reading Acting EPA boss: We might go after existing coal plants — Apparently unaware of McCarthy-Senate deal nixing coal plant rules

Paper: EPA asking enviros to return personal data on farmers ‘like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube’

“The Environmental Protection Agency endangered about 80,000 farmers and ranchers and their families — and showed whose side it’s really on — by releasing personal information on them to radical environmental groups.” Continue reading Paper: EPA asking enviros to return personal data on farmers ‘like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube’

House Committee approves bill to overhaul EPA Science Advisory Board

JunkScience helped get this reform started. The bill requires disclosure of agency grants to Science Advisory Board members and other reforms. Continue reading House Committee approves bill to overhaul EPA Science Advisory Board

Did Gina McCarthy cut a deal with Senate GOP for EPA administrator job? Confirmation for delay in the power plant emission rules

Inquiring minds want to know. Continue reading Did Gina McCarthy cut a deal with Senate GOP for EPA administrator job? Confirmation for delay in the power plant emission rules

Obama’s EPA And IRS Violate Our Constitutional Rights: ‘This information details my family’s home address. The only thing it doesn’t do is chauffeur these extremists to my house’

“The government we entrust our medical records to under ObamaCare has its EPA sharing confidential data on farmers with green groups and the IRS reading your email. Smile and wave at the EPA drone.” Continue reading Obama’s EPA And IRS Violate Our Constitutional Rights: ‘This information details my family’s home address. The only thing it doesn’t do is chauffeur these extremists to my house’

It’s official: EPA delays global warming rules for new coal plants; No timetable set for issuance

“On Friday, an EPA official who asked not to be identified confirmed that the agency would not finalize the controversial proposal on time.” Continue reading It’s official: EPA delays global warming rules for new coal plants; No timetable set for issuance

EPA Acting Administrator pushes canard that new gasoline regs will produce $7 of benefits for every $1 of costs — RealityDrop: Rules are all cost, no benefit

No, EPA is not a golden goose whose rules magically create wealth. Continue reading EPA Acting Administrator pushes canard that new gasoline regs will produce $7 of benefits for every $1 of costs — RealityDrop: Rules are all cost, no benefit

NYU prof says cancer risk from soot begins at 8 micrograms/cubic meter — But EPA human tests go as high as 750

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. The more dangerous EPA says PM2.5 is, the bigger the hole it digs for itself. Continue reading NYU prof says cancer risk from soot begins at 8 micrograms/cubic meter — But EPA human tests go as high as 750

GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) gets the mercury con. Continue reading GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

Utility Lawyer: If there were a truth-in-advertising rule for EPA, agency would constantly be in front of the FTC

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. None of the benefits (or only very little, $500,000?) estimated for EPA’s “Mercury Air Toxics Standard” (costing $10 billion) came from mercury reduction. Continue reading Utility Lawyer: If there were a truth-in-advertising rule for EPA, agency would constantly be in front of the FTC

Daily Mail: Boxer effort to downplay secret EPA e-mail accounts scandal is ‘nonsense’

“The claim that “everybody does it” is utterly unfounded and no one has provided any support for that claim.” Continue reading Daily Mail: Boxer effort to downplay secret EPA e-mail accounts scandal is ‘nonsense’