EPA Howler: Lisa Jackson alter ego Richard Windsor passed agency ethics course

“Richard Windsor never existed at the EPA, but the agency awarded the fictional staffer’s email account certificates proving he had mastered all of the agency’s technology training — including declaring him a “scholar of ethical behavior,” according to documents disclosed late last week.” Continue reading EPA Howler: Lisa Jackson alter ego Richard Windsor passed agency ethics course

DC ambulance with gunshot victim had to pull over because EPA-required emissions system failed

“The diesel engines at issue are designed to cut power if exhaust filters are not kept clean.” Continue reading DC ambulance with gunshot victim had to pull over because EPA-required emissions system failed

GOP AGs accuse EPA of stonewalling FOIA requests on sue-settle practice

“EPA is instead making environmental policy on its own and with special interest groups and then forcing the states to comply with these new policies. This is far from what Congress had in mind.” Continue reading GOP AGs accuse EPA of stonewalling FOIA requests on sue-settle practice

Desperate Enviro Canard: Acting EPA admin could be more anti-industry than Obama nominee McCarthy

The WaPo reports: Continue reading Desperate Enviro Canard: Acting EPA admin could be more anti-industry than Obama nominee McCarthy

Ex-EPA chief Lisa Jackson to work for Apple

“One of the bigger announcements out of Apple CEO Tim Cook’s appearance at the D 11 conference tonight is likely the appointment of Lisa Jackson to run Apple’s environmental responsibility efforts.” Continue reading Ex-EPA chief Lisa Jackson to work for Apple