Heinous scandal goes ignored by media: EPA’s unethical human testing

National outrage over the federal government’s abuse of power has seemingly hit critical mass over the past month as news about the Internal Revenue Service engaging in political targeting, government spying on AP reporters, the pending government prosecution of a Fox News reporter, and the revelation that the National Security Agency has likely been collecting data on every one of us has dominated the news.

Ignored in all the conversation about abuses is perhaps one of the most heinous of them all. Continue reading Heinous scandal goes ignored by media: EPA’s unethical human testing

EPA nominee in limbo as Republicans press for documents

“Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) on Wednesday urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to release data it uses to design air pollution regulations, a move that underscores the standstill on confirming a new EPA administrator.” Continue reading EPA nominee in limbo as Republicans press for documents

White House knew about Lisa Jackson’s secret email account

“Email records show that the White House knew about the secret email account used by former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson since at least February 2010.” Continue reading White House knew about Lisa Jackson’s secret email account

Malkin: Obama’s transparency pledges age poorly

“Take note: It wasn’t the AP that originally uncovered Team Obama’s penchant for email sock-puppetry. Chris Horner, Competitive Enterprise Institute fellow and author of “The Liberal War on Transparency,” first exposed former EPA Chief Lisa Jackson’s Internet alter ego, “Richard Windsor,” last year.” Continue reading Malkin: Obama’s transparency pledges age poorly

EPA contractors set up gym, personal TV spaces in EPA-leased warehouse

“The EPA inspector general found “multiple unauthorized and hidden personal spaces that included such items as televisions and exercise equipment” at the 70,000-square-foot warehouse, which the EPA leases for approximately $750,000 a year.” Continue reading EPA contractors set up gym, personal TV spaces in EPA-leased warehouse