Brigham Young University’s Arden Pope is simply a scoundrel — taking taxpayer money and then hiding his data from taxpayers as that data is used by EPA in pointless rules that cost taxpayers and consumers billions of dollars annually.. Continue reading EPA-funded researcher puts up smokescreen to evade subpoena on EPA ‘secret science’
Category: EPA
Penn. GOP Congressman says his bill would ‘rein in EPA’; COngress’ approval req’d for EPA act against energy
Wyoming Guv: EPA skirts law thru sue-settle scam reports: Continue reading Wyoming Guv: EPA skirts law thru sue-settle scam
GOP Reps. Stewart, Smith subpoena EPA’s secret science
From a Chris Stewart media release: Continue reading GOP Reps. Stewart, Smith subpoena EPA’s secret science
West Virginia Democrats beg for mercy on coal from Obama EPA chief
Grovelling West Virginia Dems are happy just to get a response from Gina McCarthy. What a nation we have become. Continue reading West Virginia Democrats beg for mercy on coal from Obama EPA chief
House Science Committee subpoenas EPA secret science
A great moment in the fight against junk science. Continue reading House Science Committee subpoenas EPA secret science
Lawmakers vote to thwart EPA move on ‘social cost of carbon’
Examiner Editorial: No wonder McCarthy wants to ignore job-killing EPA regulations
The Washington Examiner editorializes: Continue reading Examiner Editorial: No wonder McCarthy wants to ignore job-killing EPA regulations
House Resolution on EPA ‘Secret Science’
This resolution is scheduled to be voted on today. Continue reading House Resolution on EPA ‘Secret Science’
Statement of Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) Business Meeting to Consider EPA Subpoena Over ‘Secret Science’
Chairman Smith: Today we consider the Committee’s first subpoena in 21 years. Unfortunately, we’ve been put in this position by an agency that willfully disregards Congressional requests and makes its rules using undisclosed data. This subpoena could have been avoided. Continue reading Statement of Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) Business Meeting to Consider EPA Subpoena Over ‘Secret Science’
NO… the EPA does not ‘work fruitfully’ with business; EPA coerces and bullies businesses
The Environmental Leader reports: Continue reading NO… the EPA does not ‘work fruitfully’ with business; EPA coerces and bullies businesses
Defense: UMichigan doc innocent of illegal human testing because Steve Milloy a bad guy for defending business
A University of Michigan researcher defends colleague Robert Brook against allegations of illegal human testing by attacking Steve Milloy. Continue reading Defense: UMichigan doc innocent of illegal human testing because Steve Milloy a bad guy for defending business