Another EPA secret: Agency hides, refuses to disclose identity of lone refinery exempted from ethanol blending rules

Kim Strassel reports in the Wall Street Journal: Continue reading Another EPA secret: Agency hides, refuses to disclose identity of lone refinery exempted from ethanol blending rules

House Science Comm Chair to Dems: EPA transparency is good government, secret science is not

House Science Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) responds to Tuesday’s letter from Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Tex.). Continue reading House Science Comm Chair to Dems: EPA transparency is good government, secret science is not

House Dems fight subpoena seeking to liberate EPA’s secret science’

Here’s why House Science Committee Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson opposes the Committee’s recent vote to subpoena EPA’s secret science. Continue reading House Dems fight subpoena seeking to liberate EPA’s secret science’

House Democrat offers lame excuses for EPA ‘secret science’

Responding to House Science Committee Chair Lamar Smith’s recent Wall Street Journal op-ed spotlighting EPA’s “secret science,” Rep. Bernice Johnson (D., Tex.) offer a lame defense. Continue reading House Democrat offers lame excuses for EPA ‘secret science’

EPA-funded researcher puts up smokescreen to evade subpoena on EPA ‘secret science’

Brigham Young University’s Arden Pope is simply a scoundrel — taking taxpayer money and then hiding his data from taxpayers as that data is used by EPA in pointless rules that cost taxpayers and consumers billions of dollars annually.. Continue reading EPA-funded researcher puts up smokescreen to evade subpoena on EPA ‘secret science’