JunkScience.com has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with EPA for all records pertaining to EPA-funded research involving the exposure of CHILDREN to DIESEL EXHAUST, which occurred at the University of Southern California in the mid-2000s. Continue reading EPA stonewalls records request re EPA-funded diesel exhaust tests on children
Category: EPA
Lisa Jackson hires defense lawyer for E-mailgate — no word of whether Richard Windsor got one yet
New documents show EPA lying to public about air pollution dangers
JunkScience.com recently obtained through the Freedom of Information Act documents describing human clinical experiments involving high exposures to particulate matter conducted by the University of Rochester with EPA funding. Continue reading New documents show EPA lying to public about air pollution dangers
Richard Windsor (aka Lisa Jackson) joins Tulane board — home of scientific misconduct in endocrine disrupter research
NO… the EPA-funded Health Effects Institute is not ‘independent’ — not a defense against EPA ‘secret science’
EPA chief admits ‘argument’ exists over global warming — so debate is not over
Former EPA science advisor: ‘We could phase out EPA in five years’
Jay Lehr writes at Human Events: Continue reading Former EPA science advisor: ‘We could phase out EPA in five years’
Kansas Congresswoman warns EPA against unilateral action on climate
The Topeka Capital-Journal reports: Continue reading Kansas Congresswoman warns EPA against unilateral action on climate
Anti-Pebble Mine agenda may have originated within the EPA
The Daily Caller reports: Continue reading Anti-Pebble Mine agenda may have originated within the EPA
EPA chief Lisa Jackson illegally contacted lobbyist from private email
The Washington Free Beacon reports: Continue reading EPA chief Lisa Jackson illegally contacted lobbyist from private email
EPA chief: Destroying the coal industry ‘not a scary thing to do’
From the Daily Camera’s report on Gina McCarthy’s CU-Boulder speech: Continue reading EPA chief: Destroying the coal industry ‘not a scary thing to do’
Obama EPA puts 13 Illinois coal plants on verge of closure — 2000 jobs to disappear
The St. Louis Post-Disptach reports: Continue reading Obama EPA puts 13 Illinois coal plants on verge of closure — 2000 jobs to disappear