MSM whitewashes EPA human experiments scandal, totally ignoring the central issues

Greenwire’s Robin Bravender and Amanda Peterka apparently can’t even manage he-said-she-said journalism. EPA said everything was okay and, well, what else matters — especially if you’re a journalist who wants to have access to EPA in the future? Continue reading MSM whitewashes EPA human experiments scandal, totally ignoring the central issues

EPA exposes exercising asthmatics to 9 times more diesel particulate than deemed safe — No adverse health effects reported

The latest episode in the continuing saga of EPA’s illegal human experiments. Continue reading EPA exposes exercising asthmatics to 9 times more diesel particulate than deemed safe — No adverse health effects reported

EPA banned experiments on children —but not until after it sprayed diesel exhaust up the noses of 10-year olds

But the agency still defends the tests as necessary for public policy — yet another illegal rationale. Continue reading EPA banned experiments on children —but not until after it sprayed diesel exhaust up the noses of 10-year olds

EPA Used 10-Year Old Children in Illegal Diesel Exhaust Experiments has confirmed through the Freedom of Information Act that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency paid the University of Southern California (USC) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to conduct experiments testing whether exposure to diesel exhaust harms children. These experiments are illegal under the Nuremberg Code, California state law and federal regulations concerning the protection of human subjects in medical research. Continue reading EPA Used 10-Year Old Children in Illegal Diesel Exhaust Experiments

EPA CO2 rules will make make people poorer — and then kill them

Statistician Stan Young shows how the real costs and imaginary benefits of the EPA CO2 rule are a deadly combination. Continue reading EPA CO2 rules will make make people poorer — and then kill them

Another EPA Dirty Secret: Agency’s hushed-up human experiments debunk ozone health claims

EPA has proposed to tighten its standards for ozone in outdoor air. However, ozone in outdoor air, especially at current levels, doesn’t hurt anyone and the EPA knows it… but EPA doesn’t want you to know it. Here is a short exposé based on EPA documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. Continue reading Another EPA Dirty Secret: Agency’s hushed-up human experiments debunk ozone health claims

FACT SHEET: EPA’s Claim That Its Coal Plant CO2 Rules Will Save Lives By Reducing Particulate Matter Emissions Is False

You may submit this information to EPA by December 1, 2014 as a public comment. A PDF of this fact sheet is here. Continue reading FACT SHEET: EPA’s Claim That Its Coal Plant CO2 Rules Will Save Lives By Reducing Particulate Matter Emissions Is False

Dr. Battig weighs in on the High Holy Church of Warming Fanatics

Charles is an anesthesiologist, which in my business means he is extraordinary in his knowledge of the human organism.
Continue reading Dr. Battig weighs in on the High Holy Church of Warming Fanatics