JunkScience asks National Academy of Sciences to investigate corruption of EPA human experiments review

NAS President Marcia McNutt… the ball is now in your court.

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Epidemiologist accuses prominent EPA-funded researchers of ‘deliberate misrepresentation’ on key air pollution studies

Retired (but still active) UCLA epidemiologist Jim Enstrom challenges the notorious C. Arden Pope III and Dan Krewski to be honest.

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The EPA Lied — Nobody Died

The EPA human experiments controversy is now over. As between choosing whether EPA committed multiple felonies vs. lying to the Congress/public about PM2.5 killing people, the National Academy of Sciences has chosen the “lying’ option. Total victory achieved.

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Commentary: National Academy of Sciences picks EPA corruption over science

The National Academy of Sciences was hired by the EPA to whitewash the agency’s program of illegal human experiments. And it did. But in doing so it vindicated the basic point about EPA — the agency lied to the public about the alleged dangers of PM2.5. Here is my detailed takedown of the infamy.

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Video: Milloy presents on illegal EPA human experiments at the Heartland Institute climate conference

The March 23-24, 2017 Heartland Institute conference (12th International Conference on Climate Change) panel on climate and human health effects (Dr. John Dunn, Dr. Jim Enstrom and Steve Milloy) begins at about 8:00 into the video. Milloy’s presentation is at about 8:35.

Claim: PM2.5 causes 2.7 million premature births per year

Like shooting fish in a barrel. A new study claims about 1-in-5 preterm births is caused by PM2.5. My analysis shows that not one preterm birth, let alone 1-in-5, can be credibly linked with PM2.5.

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