If EPA IG Arthur Elkins has any self-respect, he’ll resign. Continue reading Rogue government: EPA disses its own IG
Category: EPA
EPA IG: Climate science review deficient
EPA’s endangerment finding was apparently not properly cooked. Continue reading EPA IG: Climate science review deficient
We're not defending EPA but…
… the claim that the agency has asked for 230,000 new employees and $21 billion to implement its greenhouse gas rules is not true. That said, the truth is actually worse. Continue reading We're not defending EPA but…
Congress asks EPA for secret health data — again
Are the days of secret science at the EPA numbered? Continue reading Congress asks EPA for secret health data — again
TRAIN passes house; Will it stop in the Senate?
The TRAIN Act to require cost-benefit analysis of EPA regs passed the House 249-169. Without a big push on Democrat Senators, however, it’s likely to die in the Senate. Rather than shut the government down over disaster aid and clean energy funding, Republicans should shut it down over the malignant Obama EPA.
The Ed Markey-Lisa Jackson Clown Show: EPA could save 572,000 lives per year with air rules
Here’s the transcript and video of today’s House hearing colloquy between Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and EPA chief Lisa Jackson in which Jackson says that EPA air rules could save as many lives as a cure for cancer. Continue reading The Ed Markey-Lisa Jackson Clown Show: EPA could save 572,000 lives per year with air rules
Debunked: Children more vulnerable to air pollution
The Environmental Protection Agency and its enviro allies claim that children are more vulnerable to air pollution than adults. Real data, now revealed for the first time, debunks this notion. Continue reading Debunked: Children more vulnerable to air pollution
EPA chief says air regulation benefits like curing cancer
EPA chief Lisa Jackson will say anything — even under oath. Continue reading EPA chief says air regulation benefits like curing cancer
Lautenberg: Ambient air like secondhand smoke
Not only is Sen. Frank Lautenberg exploiting another asthmatic relative in opposing the TRAIN Act to rein in the EPA, but he likens ambient air to secondhand smoke. Continue reading Lautenberg: Ambient air like secondhand smoke
Democrats need to choose: EPA or jobs
By Steve Milloy
September 21, 2011, Washington Times
Thursday is a D-Day of sorts for House Democrats. That day they will get to choose between jobs or job-killing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. Continue reading Democrats need to choose: EPA or jobs
Finally: Romney blasts EPA
Mitt Romney reportedly “lambasted federal agencies – specifically calling out the EPA – as hamstringing businesses with regulations that he says are getting in the way of job creation,” according to the Memphis Daily News blog. Though Romney has criticized the EPA in the past, those remarks were rather tepid. Perhaps his comments in Memphis mark the start of a more passionate attack on Obama’s Employment Prevention Agency.
How EPA lied to Congress about the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
“It has become fashionable for opponents to disagree on even simple facts, but there shouldn’t be room for debate on the deadline for a new air pollution rule,” writes Mitchell Schnurman of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Continue reading How EPA lied to Congress about the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule