China won’t cap CO2 emissions — Keep sharp things away from warmists

China’s Chief Climate Negotiator Su Wei reaffirmed his nation’s commitment to lower emissions relative to economic output while dismissing reports that it will adopt an absolute cap on greenhouse gases. Continue reading China won’t cap CO2 emissions — Keep sharp things away from warmists

Air Scare Debunked: Still no deaths reported from Chinese air pollution

The enviros claim 1,000 deaths per day. Show us a body!!–more–>

From the U.S. China Institute:

ON AN AVERAGE DAY IN CHINA outdoor air pollution causes the premature death of roughly 1,000 people. This is the conservative estimate of World Bank researchers utilizing surveys collected by Chinese government agencies and scholars. A number of news organizations reported that an internal World Bank report put the number who die prematurely each year at 350,000 to 400,000. The World Bank’s preliminary report states that air pollution costs the average Chinese urbanite 18 years of life. In 1997, the World Bank estimated 50,000 Chinese died prematurely each year due to air pollution.

But there are still no reports of deaths from air pollution in China since Steve Milloy wrote this op-ed in January.

Read “Show Us the Bodies, EPA.

John Kerry gives Chinese free pass in new US-China climate pact; China only to do what is ‘nationally appropriate’

The escape clause for China is the phrase “nationally appropriate action by the United States and China.” China has long said global warming was caused by the West and is the West’s responsibility to resolve. Continue reading John Kerry gives Chinese free pass in new US-China climate pact; China only to do what is ‘nationally appropriate’