Claim: Higher mercury levels in humans associated with increased risk of Type 2 diabetes

Past the weak association epidemiology, what would the biological mechanism be? Continue reading Claim: Higher mercury levels in humans associated with increased risk of Type 2 diabetes

Leading Environmental Group Scientist Praises FDA’s Ground-Breaking Research On BPA: A Tipping Point In The Controversy?

“So it came as something of a shock to the panel and the audience when, after the presentation by the FDA’s Daniel Doerge, Ruthann Rudel, an expert on endocrine disruption at the Silent Spring Institute (named after the Rachel Carson book which ignited the environmental movement) praised his research. ‘I actually just want to thank you for the work that you’ve done, because I’ve found your studies to be some of the most clarifying and helpful pieces of information in making my way through the bisphenol A woods,’ said Rudel.” Continue reading Leading Environmental Group Scientist Praises FDA’s Ground-Breaking Research On BPA: A Tipping Point In The Controversy?

Mercury in Fillings: Common test may overestimate exposure from dental amalgam

“These results challenge the common assumption that mercury in urine is entirely derived from inhaled mercury vapor.” Continue reading Mercury in Fillings: Common test may overestimate exposure from dental amalgam

Swedish university forces scientist to retract from publication letter critical of chemical fear mongering, junk science

Academic freedom, anyone? Continue reading Swedish university forces scientist to retract from publication letter critical of chemical fear mongering, junk science

New York’s unfakeable driver’s license: Will the BPA-containing card also be untouchable?

New driver’s licenses in New York will be made of polycarbonate — often (always?) made with bisphenol A (BPA). Since the enviros have attacked receipts containing BPA, will they go after the new licenses as well? Continue reading New York’s unfakeable driver’s license: Will the BPA-containing card also be untouchable?

MTBE: ExxonMobil to begin defense in NH pollution trial

“Lawyers for ExxonMobil claim MTBE did exactly what it was supposed to — replace lead in gasoline and cut smog in compliance with the 1990 Clean Air Act.” Continue reading MTBE: ExxonMobil to begin defense in NH pollution trial

Shrinkage Alarm: Pollution May Be Shrinking Otter Penises; Scientists Say Research Is ‘Warning’ For Humans

“Researchers studying over a decade’s worth of dead otters in Britain have concluded that pollution is most likely the cause of penis shrinkage in the water-loving mammals.” Continue reading Shrinkage Alarm: Pollution May Be Shrinking Otter Penises; Scientists Say Research Is ‘Warning’ For Humans