WSJ: Government vs. EPA

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s political agenda hasn’t gotten any less reckless, but the news is that the rest of the government is beginning to notice—including a majority of the states and even other regulators… Between the Governors and AGs, some 27 states are merely asking the EPA to delay the final [“Clean Air Mercury Rule” or “Utility MACT”) until the risks can be properly quantified…” (Wall Street Journal)

EPA pulls secondhand smoke trick on TCE

EPA says in a new assessment that the widely used solvent trichloroethylene (TCE) is carcinogenic to humans by all routes of exposure. But the EPA has simply pulled the same trick on TCE as it did on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) — a trick that got the EPA’s ETS cancer risk assessment trashed by a federal court. Continue reading EPA pulls secondhand smoke trick on TCE

Flame retardants reduce infant birthweight?

UC-Berkeley’s anti-flame retardant crusader Brenda Eskenazi is back at it with a new study claiming to link maternal exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) with reduced infant birth weight. Continue reading Flame retardants reduce infant birthweight?