Aussie warmists, smarting from last week’s election losses, get a jump on promoting upcoming fire season

The Sydney Morning Herald reports: Continue reading Aussie warmists, smarting from last week’s election losses, get a jump on promoting upcoming fire season

Funny post-election Aussie headline: ‘Those who believe in climate change would welcome debate’

Ahhhh… remember the days of yore when the debate was over? Well, now that Aussie warmists had their rears handed them in last weekend’s elections… Continue reading Funny post-election Aussie headline: ‘Those who believe in climate change would welcome debate’

Aussie Labor party ‘is right to say global warming is dangerous. After all, it’s already fried two Labor leaders’

Andrew Bolt writes: Continue reading Aussie Labor party ‘is right to say global warming is dangerous. After all, it’s already fried two Labor leaders’

Univ. London Prof: Aussie election “a major blow has been struck to the mainstream ‘Treaties, Targets & Trading’ paradigm of global climate policy”

Fergus Green writes at Continue reading Univ. London Prof: Aussie election “a major blow has been struck to the mainstream ‘Treaties, Targets & Trading’ paradigm of global climate policy”

Warmist Spin: Carbon tax ‘not big issue’ in Aussie election — That’s why new PM has made axing the tax a ‘top priority’

The Climate Spectator spins: Continue reading Warmist Spin: Carbon tax ‘not big issue’ in Aussie election — That’s why new PM has made axing the tax a ‘top priority’

No time to lose: New Aussie PM has personally instructed his new departmental secretary to make preparations to axe the carbon tax

The Australian reports: Continue reading No time to lose: New Aussie PM has personally instructed his new departmental secretary to make preparations to axe the carbon tax