Robin Bravender's Mercury Propaganda

In her PoliticoPro report today about Congressional Democrat efforts to appeal to Republican mothers to help stop Congressional Republicans from limiting new EPA regulation of mercury from power plants, Bravender writes: Continue reading Robin Bravender's Mercury Propaganda

'Show me the bodies' challenge unnerves enviros

For decades the enviros and the EPA have ducked defending their outrageous claims by simply ignoring their critics. It was easy to do with the complicity of the mainstream media. Continue reading 'Show me the bodies' challenge unnerves enviros

EPA’s air-quality overkill

By Steve Milloy
July 29, 2011, Washington Times

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is set to kill more jobs with another make-believe air-pollution scare. Although congressional Republicans and businesses oppose the coming rules tightening ground-level ozone standards, they once again have opted to fight the agency with both arms tied behind their backs. Continue reading EPA’s air-quality overkill

American Lung Association runs another fake air pollution ad

The American Lung Association announced a new TV ad to defend the EPA. The ad is another phony effort to assert that children are harmed by ambient air quality. Continue reading American Lung Association runs another fake air pollution ad

American Lung Association says 'more will die' but refuses to provide proof

In an effort to support the job- and economy-killing agenda of its benefactor, the American Lung Association (ALA) claimed today that the EPA’s decision to delay its tightening of the ozone standard will kill and sicken more Americans. Continue reading American Lung Association says 'more will die' but refuses to provide proof

Lynn Goldman (sort of) accepts Steve Milloy's 'Show me the bodies' challenge

I apparently “deeply offended” the Marxist-environmentalist complex with my “Show us the bodies, EPA” column. Continue reading Lynn Goldman (sort of) accepts Steve Milloy's 'Show me the bodies' challenge

Show us the bodies, EPA

By Steve Milloy
July 20, 2011, Washington Times

The House will soon vote to (slightly) rein in the Obama Environmental Protection Agency. But this much-needed baby step by Congress will only happen if Republicans have the knowledge and muster the courage to withstand a final bare-knuckles assault by EPA’s enviro allies. Continue reading Show us the bodies, EPA

EDF attacks utility with fake asthma attack?

The Environmental Defense Fund, long-time EPA running dog and the group whose handiwork on DDT led to millions of dead Africans, is attacking utility giant AEP with a TV ad featuring what appears to be a faked asthma attack. Continue reading EDF attacks utility with fake asthma attack?