Fracking defended at coal’s expense with EPA air quality junk science

To fend off claims that fracking poses a risk to health from air emissions, an MIT economist/EPA advisor claims that the risks are offset by lives saved from using less coal. Continue reading Fracking defended at coal’s expense with EPA air quality junk science

EPA stonewalls records request re EPA-funded diesel exhaust tests on children has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with EPA for all records pertaining to EPA-funded research involving the exposure of CHILDREN to DIESEL EXHAUST, which occurred at the University of Southern California in the mid-2000s. Continue reading EPA stonewalls records request re EPA-funded diesel exhaust tests on children

Study: Coal power plants not to blame for Chinese air pollution problem

Traffic and home cooking with coal briquettes are responsible for almost 80% of Chinese soot problems, says a new study. Continue reading Study: Coal power plants not to blame for Chinese air pollution problem

New documents show EPA lying to public about air pollution dangers recently obtained through the Freedom of Information Act documents describing human clinical experiments involving high exposures to particulate matter conducted by the University of Rochester with EPA funding. Continue reading New documents show EPA lying to public about air pollution dangers

NO… the EPA-funded Health Effects Institute is not ‘independent’ — not a defense against EPA ‘secret science’

The HEI is a dependent of EPA. Continue reading NO… the EPA-funded Health Effects Institute is not ‘independent’ — not a defense against EPA ‘secret science’

House Science Comm Chair to Dems: EPA transparency is good government, secret science is not

House Science Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) responds to Tuesday’s letter from Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Tex.). Continue reading House Science Comm Chair to Dems: EPA transparency is good government, secret science is not

House Dems fight subpoena seeking to liberate EPA’s secret science’

Here’s why House Science Committee Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson opposes the Committee’s recent vote to subpoena EPA’s secret science. Continue reading House Dems fight subpoena seeking to liberate EPA’s secret science’

House Democrat offers lame excuses for EPA ‘secret science’

Responding to House Science Committee Chair Lamar Smith’s recent Wall Street Journal op-ed spotlighting EPA’s “secret science,” Rep. Bernice Johnson (D., Tex.) offer a lame defense. Continue reading House Democrat offers lame excuses for EPA ‘secret science’