Enviros plot to have states force cars off the road or lose federal highway funds

As predicted in my book Green Hell, they are coming for our cars. Continue reading Enviros plot to have states force cars off the road or lose federal highway funds

Goldman Environmental Prize awarded to job-killing, junk science-fueled 20-year old know-nothing

Blocking the Baltimore incinerator just blocks jobs. No one dies or gets asthma from outdoor air. Continue reading Goldman Environmental Prize awarded to job-killing, junk science-fueled 20-year old know-nothing

Claim: Decrease in air pollution associated with decrease in respiratory symptoms among children

False. Since air quality is not associated with childhood asthma in the first place. Continue reading Claim: Decrease in air pollution associated with decrease in respiratory symptoms among children

EPA denies FOIA request for financial conflict of interest disclosure info for ‘independent’ science advisors

More than secret science. Now we have secret conflicts of interest. Continue reading EPA denies FOIA request for financial conflict of interest disclosure info for ‘independent’ science advisors

Claim: Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to impulsivity, emotional problems in children

So where were all these problems when US air quality was at its “worst”? Where are they in China and India, now? Continue reading Claim: Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to impulsivity, emotional problems in children

Europe’s capitals say diesel cars threaten health of residents

“Last month MEPs voted against a plan to close gaps in air pollution controls on new diesel cars, meaning limits on nitrogen oxide (NOx) will be effectively be relaxed from 2019.” Continue reading Europe’s capitals say diesel cars threaten health of residents

EPA refuses to release conflict of interest disclosure forms for outside science advisors

More than secret science. Now we have secret conflicts of interest. Continue reading EPA refuses to release conflict of interest disclosure forms for outside science advisors

Claim: Higher ozone, lower humidity levels associated with dry eye disease

So where was all this eye “disease” in, say, Los Angeles in 1955 when ozone levels could be eight or so times higher than today’s standards? Continue reading Claim: Higher ozone, lower humidity levels associated with dry eye disease