Report: 33% of adults recently diagnosed with asthma do not have it

Duh… I wrote about the phenomenon of asthma overdiagnosis 14 years ago… and what are the implications for EPA air pollution junk science? Continue reading Report: 33% of adults recently diagnosed with asthma do not have it

New Book Exposes How EPA Distorts Science To Fit Its Political Goals

From the Daily Caller about Steve Milloy’s new book: Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA — which is the #1 book in’s Public Affairs & Administration category.

Continue reading New Book Exposes How EPA Distorts Science To Fit Its Political Goals

New Book by Steve Milloy: ‘Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA’

Available on Kindle NOW… print edition coming! The full story of the scientific fraud underlying EPA’s war on coal and climate rules. My proof that particulate matter kills no one. Endorsed by Sen. Jim Inhofe and the former chairman of EPA’s own Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, George Wolff.

Continue reading New Book by Steve Milloy: ‘Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA’

No, burning less coal isn’t making tuna ‘safer’

The Washington Post reports today:


The problem, however, is that the decline in mercury level in tuna (if true, in the first place) is not due to reductions in coal burning. Continue reading No, burning less coal isn’t making tuna ‘safer’

E-mails expose EPA’s corrupt process for selecting science adviser

Last October, the EPA selected Donna Kenski to fill an open slot on its Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC).

We just received 450 pages of e-mails from the EPA via the Freedom of Information Act covering Kenski’s selection.

They illustrate the need to #DrainTheSwamp. Continue reading E-mails expose EPA’s corrupt process for selecting science adviser

NO… high blood pressure not linked to air pollution

This is yet another crappy epidemiologic study on air pollution that proves nothing about air quality. YET, I LOVE IT.

Why? Because the study contains has rarely presented evidence concerning the bias in self-reported ‘data’ versus measured data. Continue reading NO… high blood pressure not linked to air pollution

EPA fails to challenge allegations made at National Academy of Sciences hearing on illegal human experiments?

It seems EPA has not yet responded to the allegations we made at the August 24, 2016 National Academy of Sciences public meeting on EPA’s illegal human experiments.

Does this mean we win? Continue reading EPA fails to challenge allegations made at National Academy of Sciences hearing on illegal human experiments?

More EPA Science Adviser Corruption — Another Rubberstamp Selected for ‘Independent’ Committee

The law requires that the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) be independent and unbiased. But the lawless EPA just stacked the panel again. Continue reading More EPA Science Adviser Corruption — Another Rubberstamp Selected for ‘Independent’ Committee

Wow… National Academy of Sciences board not subject to conflict of interest rules

We seem to have an admission that the “fix is in” concerning EPA’s secret effort to have the National Academy of Sciences whitewash the agency’s illegal human experiments. Continue reading Wow… National Academy of Sciences board not subject to conflict of interest rules