Debunked: Obama EPA chief screams bloody murder in NYTimes op-ed about Trump EPA chief ‘secret science’ ban

I guess all those promises Gina McCarthy made to Congress about producing the Harvard Six City and Pope/ACS study data were all lies.

Obama EPA chief, Gina “I illegally deleted 5,000 text messages so Chris Horner couldn’t read them” McCarthy.

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Swamp desperate to stop Trump repeal of Obama EPA death sentence for glider trucks

The new truck industry is pulling out all the stops to kill off glider trucks. It thought the Obama EPA had accomplished the task. But the Trump EPA is now undoing the Obama rule. So the new truck industry and its radical green allies are breaking china — even pressuring a scientist to accuse himself of misconduct. I have never seen anything like this in my 27+ years of work on EPA issues. Check this out.

Continue reading Swamp desperate to stop Trump repeal of Obama EPA death sentence for glider trucks