By-the-mile road tax

From the Kansas City Star:

The year is 2020 and the gasoline tax is history. In its place you get a monthly tax bill based on each mile you drove — tracked by a Global Positioning System device in your car and uploaded to a billing center…

The idea of shifting to a by-the-mile tax has been discussed for years, but it now appears to be getting more serious attention. A federal commission, after a two-year study, concluded earlier this year that the road tax was the “best path forward” to keep revenues flowing to highway and transportation projects, and could be an important new tool to help manage traffic and relieve congestion.

The decision by the 15-member National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission was unanimous, which surprised Robert Atkinson, the group’s chairman. But he said it became clear as the commission’s work progressed that a road tax on miles traveled was the best option.

“If you’re committed to the system being improved then it was a no-brainer,” he said.

A “no-brainer” indeed… 🙂

Waxman-Markey lays groundwork for electric vehicle mandate

The Waxman-Markey climate bill prepares America for an electric vehicle mandate.

Sec. 121 of the bill mandates that electric utilities develop plans…

… to support the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles, including heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles.

“Support the use” means providing for the…

… deployment of electrical charging stations in public or private locations, including street parking, parking garages, parking lots, homes, gas stations, and highway rest stops.

The plans may also require…

… (i) battery exchange, fast charging infrastructure and other services; (ii) triggers for infrastructure deployment based upon market penetration of plug-in electric drive vehicles; and (iii) such other elements as the State determines necessary to support plug-in electric drive vehicles.

Who will pay for this? Waxman-Markey says that,

Each State regulatory authority (in the case of each electric utility for which it has ratemaking authority) and each utility (in the case of a nonregulated utility) shall consider whether, and to what extent, to allow cost recovery for plans and implementation of plans.

So state regulators and utilities will get to decide whether to pass the costs on to consumers as increased electricity prices or whether to directly stick property and business owners with the costs. To the extent tax credits/deductions are available, taxpayers will pick up the tab.

How much will this cost? How much money do you have?

While Coulomb Technologies’ sells its “Smartlet” for between $1,000-$2,000 per charging station, Toyota’s unit costs $4,600, Edison EV’s cost $5,000-$10,000 (indoor units) and $15,000-$20,000 (outdoor units), and solar-power stations cost as much as $85,000 for a six-station unit.

In addition to up-front unit costs, installation and maintenance add to the price and, perhaps most importantly, there’s the time-is-money factor. A full charge from a 120-volt outlet could take 10-12 hours. A full charge from a 240-volt outlet would take about half that time. Contrast that with the 5 minutes or so it takes to pump 20 gallons into an SUV. Not very convenient. Battery exchange? Who is going to want to schlep heavy batteries around at a filling station?

Without the Waxman-Markey mandate, it’s not likely that too much electric vehicle infrastructure would be installed. According to Diane Wittenberg, the president of Edison EV, a subsidiary of Edison International (NYSE: EIX):

“There’s no real financial incentive for anyone to operate a charging station at this point… There’s just no way you could sell someone into doing a recharging station (for profit).”

Your driving future courtesy of Waxman-Markey... woman not included.
Your driving future courtesy of Waxman-Markey... woman not included.

California utility’s green rip-off

Pacific Gas & Electric’s special program to charge consumers more for electricity in return for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is proving to be nothing short of a rip-off.

California regulators approved  in December 2006 PG&E’s three-year plan to raise electricity rates in order to collect $16.4 million which was to go toward the utility’s “ClimateSmart” program, an effort to offset its greenhouse gas emissions by planting trees. The program, launched in June 2007, also allowed consumers to sign-up by voluntarily agreeing to pay more for electricity.

Two years in the program, PG&E is seeking an 18-month extension of ClimateSmart because it has neither met its greenhouse gas reduction committment — it’s 500,000 tons short of the 1.5 million-ton target — nor has it signed up the number of customers originally predicted (0.6 percent actual vs. 3.3. percent predicted), according to a report in Carbon Control News (June 29).

Ratepayer advocacy groups had criticized the program as wasteful and aimed mainly at enhancing PG&E’s image as a leading green utility.

As it turns out, PG&E is merely providing additional evidence that “green” is synonymous with “fraud.”

fraud (frôd)

  1. A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
  2. A piece of trickery; a trick.
  3. a. One that defrauds; a cheat.
    b. One who assumes a false pose; an impostor.
  4. Anything labeled as “green.”

Is Obama laundering federal money to GE through Michigan?

General Electric is getting yet more taxpayer money, possibly laundered federal money, to subsidize its business.

A GE press release announced that the state of Michigan will provide GE with $60 million to build a $100 million “technology & software center” — what used to be known as an “office building.”

While the source of the Michigan subsidy could be Michigan taxpayers, given how strapped the state is from auto industry losses, it’s quite possible that the Obama administration is funneling U.S. taxpayer stimulus money through Michigan to GE.

Michigan’s budget problems are so severe, after all,  that the state has offered to house prisoners from California’s burgeoning prisons.

We reported in May that GE received $55 million in taxpayer subsidies to build a hybrid locomotive battery plant in New York.

You can almost hear GE CEO Jeff Immelt, who sits on President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, chanting to the President, “Give me the money.” In return, Immelt, the new corporate welfare queen, is helping Presdient Obama advance his global warming and health care agendas.

Waxman-Markey’s chances in the Senate

What are the chances of the Senate signing on to Waxman-Markey (or something like it)? Here are the top ten reasons to be very afraid:

  1. Every politician has his price and the Obama administration is printing money like there’s no tomorrow.
  2. Likely Senate supporters include the 57 Senate Democrats (Al Franken included),  Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Joe Lieberman (I-CT),  Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Susan Collins (R-ME). Those 61 votes are  enough to avoid filibuster and pass a bill. Because of #1, above, don’t expect many Democrat defections. Because of #3, below, do expect some Republicans to defect. The 2010 elections threaten no one — they are too far away and, in this catastrophe-a-day-world, everyone will forget about Waxman-Markey, especially since its pain doesn’t set in until 2012 or later.
  3. Senate Republicans ill-informed, inarticulate, dispirited and disorganized. They inspire little no confidence.
  4. Al Gore, greens and corporate rent-seekers will pull out all the stops as their dreams of a green corporate welfare state are actually within grasp.
  5. Businesses that aren’t lobbying for a climate bill are divided, dazed and confused. To the extent that they are spending their precious few resources to fight climate regulation, it has been on so-far-useless coalitions.
  6. Skeptics are outmanned, outgunned and shunned by the businesses described in #5, above.
  7. Obama will use health care, immigration and other emerging/existing policy issues to distract opponents and entice supporters.
  8. The mainstream media is unabashedly shilling for Waxman-Markey (or a worse bill) while skeptic-friendly outlets are overwhelmed and distracted with the depth and breadth of the Obama administration’s assault on America.
  9. The Democrats are ready to pull any trick to win — witness the surprise addition of a 300-page “manager’s amendment” to the Waxman-Markey bill at 3am on the day of the vote. Boehner’s heroics aside, Republicans should have tossed House rules aside and screamed bloody murder to prevent a vote. While the Republicans play by Marquess of Queensbury rules, Henry Waxman and the Democrats are busy sticking shivs into them.
  10. Taxpayers and consumers are way under-represented in Washington, DC, especially when compared to the global warming lobby. They also fail to understand that Waxman-Markey is no mere energy tax — it’s a frontal assault on the American way of life.

The bottom line: the greens are, at present, a handful of Senate votes away from a goose-stepping triumph. It will take a near-miracle to avoid this fate.

Waxman-Markey subsidizes ‘Shower Nazi’

A “Shower Nazi” may be coming your way courtesy of Waxman-Markey.

Section 217 of the bill provides for a “water efficient product incentive program” that would provide rebates, vouchers, direct installs and other forms of financial assistance for the installation of water-saving products.

During my radio interview last Friday with Bob Jamison (Kern Valley News, KNCQ 102.5 FM / Bakersfield, CA), Jamison, a motel owner, told me that he had been solicited by the seller of the “Shower Manager,” a water-saving device. Curious, I went to the Shower manager web site.

Here’s how the Shower Manager works:

The Shower Manager not only puts time limits on the shower, it also cuts the water flow when the time has expired. Our unique shower timer is a patented two-phase flow controller that permits a full-flow of water for a time period you select, (5, 8 or 11 minutes) and then restricts the water flow by two-thirds when that time limit expires. You set the full-flow Interval that best fits your lifestyle and lock it in using a special magnetic sensor.

Shower manager with full flow
Shower manager with full flow
Shower Manager with restricted flow
Shower Manager with restricted flow

Here’s a letter from an actual satisfied customer of Shower Manager that is posted on the product web site:

Your product is awesome! We have had it for two weeks now and it works like a charm! My kids call it the Shower Nazi… but with the savings on water, we’ll be able to reward them at the end of the month!
Thanks, Lisa J

So your tax dollars may soon be used to outfit homes, hotel/motel rooms, gyms, and country clubs across the country with the Shower Nazi.

Isn’t green great?

Waxman-Markey abolishes neighborhood solar panel limits

The Waxman-Markey bill abolishes neighborhood restrictions on solar panels. This provision was part of the “manager’s amendment” that was added to the bill at 3am the morning of the vote.

The bill directs the Department of Housing and Urban Development to issue rules prohibiting private covenants that restrict or prohibit the installation of solar energy systems.

So if your neighborhood has existing rules that prohibit residents from turning their manicured front yards into solar farms, Waxman-Markey abolishes them.

That such “restrictive covenants” are typically a matter of private contract apparently matters little in the coming green world.