Wirth: 2012 is Obama’s ‘last window of opportunity’ to get it right on climate change

Wirth is still “riding the global warming issue.” Continue reading Wirth: 2012 is Obama’s ‘last window of opportunity’ to get it right on climate change

IBD: Taxpayers Taken For A Ride in ObamaCar

” A think tank crunches the subsidy and bailout dollars and puts the true cost of Government Motors’ electric car at a cool quarter-million. And the few sold have been largely bought by the 1%.” Continue reading IBD: Taxpayers Taken For A Ride in ObamaCar

WSJ: Lisa Jackson’s Power Play

“The rest of the purported benefits—to be precise, 99.99%—come by double-counting pollution reductions like soot that the EPA regulates through separate programs and therefore most will happen anyway. Using such “co-benefits” is an abuse of the cost-benefit process and shows that Cass Sunstein’s team at the White House regulatory office—many of whom opposed the rule—got steamrolled.” Continue reading WSJ: Lisa Jackson’s Power Play