Penn State Prof: Skeptics ‘deeply ethically abhorrent’, ‘malicious, ‘morally reprehensible’

Michael Mann colleague Donald Brown says it is unethical to differ from “consensus-approved” IPCC conclusions. Continue reading Penn State Prof: Skeptics ‘deeply ethically abhorrent’, ‘malicious, ‘morally reprehensible’

Owens: Feds impeding energy industry

“[E]nvironmentalists who had supported natural gas as a “bridge fuel” to kill coal were caught flat-footed. Of course, they are starting to turn against gas now that it appears to be abundant.” Continue reading Owens: Feds impeding energy industry

UK Met Office: Dec. 2011 not unseasonably warm; Dec. 2010 was unseasonably cold

A cooler head in the UK Met Office in the wake of “extreme weather” in the UK. Continue reading UK Met Office: Dec. 2011 not unseasonably warm; Dec. 2010 was unseasonably cold

Nanotech regulation: EPA IG says agency needs more data

“We found that EPA does not currently have sufficient information or processes to effectively manage the human health and environmental risks of nanomaterials.” Continue reading Nanotech regulation: EPA IG says agency needs more data

Bird flu virus doesn’t jump between humans: China

“The latest bird flu virus that killed a 39-year-old bus driver in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen over the weekend is not yet transmissible between humans, Chinese health authorities said.” Continue reading Bird flu virus doesn’t jump between humans: China