Do PFAS cause early menopause?

A new study claims that women with high PFAS levels in their blood samples reached menopause two years earlier than those with lower levels. Credible?

Here is the study. It’s yet more weak association epidemiology with all the familiar flaws — noise-level associations for a vague yet common health endpoint, earlier than average menopause. So no need to go further into that.

Even so, let’s take the results at face value. Note this chart in the study:

Notice that the associations are statistically non-significant (i.e., hazard ratio confidence intervals include the zero-effect level) for black and Asian women — of which there were more study subjects than white women.

If PFAS affected menopause, why would it do so only in white women?

The question is not explained by the study authors.

No answer. No biological plausibility. Just junk science.

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