Eating healthier fats could reduce heart disease deaths worldwide

There is no persuasive evidence that mere consumption of fats (regardless of type) causes or contributes to heart disease in otherwise normal, healthy people. Continue reading Eating healthier fats could reduce heart disease deaths worldwide

Claim: Rising carbon dioxide emissions pose ‘intoxication’ threat to world’s ocean fish

Another non-falsifiable hypothesizing adaptation denier. Continue reading Claim: Rising carbon dioxide emissions pose ‘intoxication’ threat to world’s ocean fish

Feds Spend $149,997 to Change Farmers’ ‘Skepticism’ of Man-Caused Climate Change

“The study will recruit at least 40 high school teachers who will “integrate climate change topics into existing Agricultural Science curriculum.” Continue reading Feds Spend $149,997 to Change Farmers’ ‘Skepticism’ of Man-Caused Climate Change

Exclusive: Billionaire Green Activist Steyer Says Not Yet Ready to Back Clinton, Open to Sanders

“Sanders has a climate agenda that on its face appears to resonate more closely with Steyer’s – an aggressive move away from fossil fuels, including a ban on hydraulic fracturing.” Continue reading Exclusive: Billionaire Green Activist Steyer Says Not Yet Ready to Back Clinton, Open to Sanders