Claim: Melting of massive ice ‘lid’ resulted in huge release of CO2 at the end of the ice age

For the unverifiable hypothesis file. Continue reading Claim: Melting of massive ice ‘lid’ resulted in huge release of CO2 at the end of the ice age

EPA chief kicks off 2016 with blog post full of arrogance, lies

Here’s just one paragraph from her blog:

Screen Shot 2016-01-04 at 5.25.17 PM

So here we go:

More frequent hurricanes?






And then, how is helping to make sure poor people don’t get electricity or use less of it “moral.” It’s not. It’s immoral.

Tackling the ‘credibility crisis’ in science — new PLOS Biology meta-research section

“Widespread failure to reproduce research results has triggered a crisis of confidence in research findings, eroding public trust in scientific methodology. In response, PLOS Biology is launching on January 4th, 2016, a new Meta-Research Section devoted to research on research.” Continue reading Tackling the ‘credibility crisis’ in science — new PLOS Biology meta-research section

Worldwide electricity production vulnerable to climate and water resource change

Uh… climate change does not destroy water, the mist abundant substance on the planet. Continue reading Worldwide electricity production vulnerable to climate and water resource change