IBD: Three More Global Warming Stories Media Don’t Want You To See

“Missed story No. 2: Greenland, the alarmists’ coal-mine canary, retained 99.7% of its ice mass in the 20th century.” Continue reading IBD: Three More Global Warming Stories Media Don’t Want You To See

Kerry: Paris Climate Change Deal Tops Obama Administration’s List of Accomplishments in 2015

Certainly can’t say much about that Iran deal. Continue reading Kerry: Paris Climate Change Deal Tops Obama Administration’s List of Accomplishments in 2015

UK prof has ‘no doubt’ UK floods can be blamed on CO2

““If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.” — Francis Bacon. Continue reading UK prof has ‘no doubt’ UK floods can be blamed on CO2