Why 2015 will go down as a year to forget for North American coal miners

“Plenty of coal industry insiders have spoken out about the collapse of the business in the United States. But nobody does it with quite the same fervor as Robert Murray.” Continue reading Why 2015 will go down as a year to forget for North American coal miners

MIT Scientist: Global warming pure nonsense by Government, Inc.

“Lindzen noted that National Academy of Sciences president Dr. Ralph Cicerone has even admitted that there is no evidence for a catastrophic claims of man-made global warming.” Continue reading MIT Scientist: Global warming pure nonsense by Government, Inc.

After Paris attacks, French citizen Stephane Dion still thinks global warming is ‘worst threat we are facing this century’

And he’s French-Canadian, to boot. Continue reading After Paris attacks, French citizen Stephane Dion still thinks global warming is ‘worst threat we are facing this century’