Nail on head: WaPo columnist Ed Rogers on purported global warming-ISIS link

Answering his question, “Will the climate change conference in Paris be useful?”, Rogers writes: Continue reading Nail on head: WaPo columnist Ed Rogers on purported global warming-ISIS link

NOAA’s ‘hiatus’-busting study ‘rushed’, ignored ‘scientific processes’

“This short paper in Science is not adequate to explain and explore the very large changes that have been made to the NOAA data set.” Continue reading NOAA’s ‘hiatus’-busting study ‘rushed’, ignored ‘scientific processes’

Dems Plan To Investigate Oil Companies For Questioning Global Warming

“The American people deserve answers from the fossil fuel corporations about their actions to massively deceive the public in regards to climate science.” Continue reading Dems Plan To Investigate Oil Companies For Questioning Global Warming