Welcome Comrades: 21st Century Eco-Socialism Conference at UCSB

By Michael Greer (@thetalentscout)

Although I’ve known for a long time that our children are being steeped in the Liberal view of the world at our universities, I had no idea how truly perverted and dangerous it was until I attended the “21st Century EcoSocialism Conference” at the University of California at Santa Barbara this weekend. This event was extremely disturbing. Continue reading Welcome Comrades: 21st Century Eco-Socialism Conference at UCSB

Running Away: Yet another fake Nobel claims bites the dust, courtesy of JunkScience.com

The University of Montana’s Steve Running has been de-Nobeled. Continue reading Running Away: Yet another fake Nobel claims bites the dust, courtesy of JunkScience.com

The Carbon Liar’s Club

Editors note. I had trouble getting the links provided by Seldon to stick when published. Master of the WebSite Milloy helped me out.

The Carbon Liars Club

By Seldon B. Graham, Jr.

The Democratic Party is a “Carbon Liar’s Club” supporting the man-made global warming hoax. It has been that way since President Obama came to office. Continue reading The Carbon Liar’s Club

Fake Nobel prize taken away from George Mason prof who asked for RICO investigation of climate skeptics

JunkScience has done it again. Continue reading Fake Nobel prize taken away from George Mason prof who asked for RICO investigation of climate skeptics

Oh… it’s the Freedom FROM Information Act

I asked the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for e-mails relating to the EPA study published in the NIEHS journal Environmental Health Perspectives that started me on the EPA human testing controversy. Here’s a sample page from what I received today: Continue reading Oh… it’s the Freedom FROM Information Act