Unreleased Energy Dept report shows Obama CO2 rules will raise electricity prices — contradicting EPA claims

EPA claims its CO2 rules will reduce electricity prices 8% by 2030. In an unreleased report, the Department of Energy begs to differ. Continue reading Unreleased Energy Dept report shows Obama CO2 rules will raise electricity prices — contradicting EPA claims

No… study does not show that 20% of college freshman have been raped

A new study from Brown University social “scientists” claims that 18.6 percent of freshmen women surveyed at a university in upstate New York in 2010 endured at least one completed or attempted rape. Continue reading No… study does not show that 20% of college freshman have been raped

Monckton accuses Harvard of ‘research fraud’ in failing to disclose conflict-of-interest in EPA study

The fake Willie Soon controversy comes back to bite Harvard in the rear. Continue reading Monckton accuses Harvard of ‘research fraud’ in failing to disclose conflict-of-interest in EPA study

Media beats up Willie Soon, but turns a blind eye to EPA-funded researchers shilling for EPA’s biggest rule

Remember just two months ago when the media savaged climate skeptic Willie Soon for supposedly failing to disclose industry funding? It’s a pity the media doesn’t. Continue reading Media beats up Willie Soon, but turns a blind eye to EPA-funded researchers shilling for EPA’s biggest rule