Tadchem on Why One Hit radiation biophysics/toxicology is STUPID

I put up an explanation of one hit theory of tox that grew from junk radiation biophysics and tox.
However, one of our commenters understands things better then me by far.
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Proud to Announce the NIPCC Climate Change Reconsidered II

I am a proud supporter of the efforts of Heartland to stop the crazy warmers.
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Dr. Broun's Mistaken Response to the IG on the Human Testing Scandal

Dr. Broun, now the chair of the pertinent subcommittee, was almost right in his response to the pathetic report of the US EPA Inspector general on the Human Exposure Experiments scandal.
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Congressional Physicians, Medical School Deans Ignore Human Testing Scandal

Here are the exhibits in the case of the People v. US EPA and the United States.
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