Censorship and Statist Coercion

Fanatics cannot accept coexistence of ideas. Regardless of the subject mattter, social science, hard science, public policy making, political correctness intimidation has changed the language, even censored those who would disagree with the state or elite promoted canon.
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Junk Science Healthcare Policy on Emergency Visits

You might ask why is there a dogma that universal health insurance coverage would reduce Emergency Department utilization? All the smart guys say so, all the way up to the President.
Well, in fact the consensus about ED visits and utilization has always been based on junk science analysis.
Continue reading Junk Science Healthcare Policy on Emergency Visits

I'm Toxic, Hand me the Detox Stuff

This is a very lucid discussion of another junkscience scam–detoxing.
Detoxing is a health food supplement type scam that pretends to eliminate something bad–kinda like purging and cleansing enemas. Nonsense.

The Detox Scam: How to spot it, and how to avoid it

Thomas Nagel Identifies the Problem

You think that David Gelernter presented some troubling considerations for modern science? You might recall he mentioned Thomas Nagel and his new book that created such a furor on the academic left, since he is–or was, an icon of the left.
Continue reading Thomas Nagel Identifies the Problem

This'll Make Your Day–Poverty is Down

Julian Simon predicted it, the success of the Human Race because of inventiveness, creativity, and energy.
Sit down, smoke a cigar, have a drink and consider this.

David Gelernter is a Giant

I can’t say enough good things about David Gelernter to do him justice.
He is a treasure of Western Civ, a computer whiz, philosopher, writer, with a creative and inquisitive mind. He was bombed by the unabomber and recovered to be an inspiration. He is a devout Jew, a great patriot–an island of great achievement and virtue, who is wise and eloquent.
Continue reading David Gelernter is a Giant

Wind Subsidies aren't Fair–Shocking

Just a little something to irritate you from our friends at NCPA.
Every time I drive to work at Fort Hood I get to review a new wind farm with 100 turbines.
Just a little info on Wind.
Dept of Energy has a map of the country that shows our part of Texas is not good for wind.
In fact the mountains, the coasts are the best for wind. In Texas only the coast and the panhandle are adequate. Midwest America is not good for wind.
One must consider that even when wind is good, its intermittent so the efficiency output of wind tubines is well under 50 percent of rated capacity.
When you read about a wind farm having a output for whatever, remember that’s not real output, that’s what they might put out if the ideal wind was 24/7.
Usually they are a third of capacity, for each turbine 2 or 3 Megawatts is the rated capacity, the actual is about a third with gas/coal backup or alternative to pick up the slack. Really smart–engineers tell me that gas and coal effeciciencies are lost with off and on demand.

Record Lows and Stranded Ice Cruizers

More record lows for America than record highs.
Not proof of cooling or warming, but not helpful for warmers–who now have to rejigger the models or talk loud.
Questions to consider–it is cold all the time in the Antarctic, so why does it surprise anyone that there might be more Ice.
Even in the summer precipitation in Antarctica makes snow, snow makes ice. Right?

Cold facts: More record lows than highs in USA in 2013