Record Lows and Stranded Ice Cruizers

More record lows for America than record highs.
Not proof of cooling or warming, but not helpful for warmers–who now have to rejigger the models or talk loud.
Questions to consider–it is cold all the time in the Antarctic, so why does it surprise anyone that there might be more Ice.
Even in the summer precipitation in Antarctica makes snow, snow makes ice. Right?

Cold facts: More record lows than highs in USA in 2013

Money, Bloomberg and the Courtesans of the NYT

This NYT article about the Bloomberg Plutocracy misses the point, but the NYT often misses the point.
Bloomberg is the ruling class elite on steroids, imposing his preferences by playing the rich bull in the china shop.
Funny, with all this flattery in the NYT piece, no mention of the prolonged hardships of the people devastated by Sandy who were ignored while Bloomberg pursued his aesthetic obsessions and meddling pretenses.
He is or was like a Medici in old Florence, but he was a Mayor in a country that is supposed to be a republic with a limited government by the consent of the people. His use of personal funds to exaggerate the role of the Mayor is misconduct in office. Someone should bring him up on charges. What he did is like what happens in Banana Republics and Oligarchies.
Constitutional Republics, recommended by Aristotle, Locke and certainly our founders, are supposed to be societies with a proper environment for the citizen, decadence follows a regime like created by Bloomberg. Nanny states are not a proper place for human development, happiness, development, accomplishment and liberty.
I am disgusted to read this devotional piece by the NYT, but they should really dedicate a chapel for such an icon, candles and incense and such would be right, Bloomberg would finance the thing out of petty cash.
I cannot comprehend how we came to this, encomiums for demogogues with big bank accounts. In America?
The NYT thinks oligarchies/plutarchies are charming?
Marx was a medievalist in outlook. So is Bloomberg, so are the ruling class elites described and condemned so insightfully by Angelo Codevilla.
The NYT is a medievalist elitist journal, and certainly committed to a statist tyranny of elites. All, of course, intended to take care of us properly, and show us how to live and what to think.