Droughts Predicted to Rise by 80% is the Scare Today

Based on projections of 5 degree increases in summer temps, these clowns predict terrible droughts, for example, on the Iberian Penninsula.
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UK Execs are Indoctrinated

In America we have public schools for indoctrination on enviro issues, paid for by the Taxpayers.
In UK they work on big shots with special eco programs funded through the back door by the Labour Gov in this case, sponsored by the gov owned BBC.
Thanks to Gordon Fulks, Physicist, and Bert Rutan, citizen, for this heads up.

Whoa Baby, Genomics Ain't That Good

Typical media hype about having your genome mapped and getting boutique care that’s personalized.
Every one wants either a good palm reader or a physician who knows everything. Magical thinking promoted by the companies that brought you the magical Genome project.
Continue reading Whoa Baby, Genomics Ain't That Good

Savages in the Heartland of America?

We talked about Teen Suicide last week and many responded with dramatic personal tales and observations.
Let’s talk the Heartland of America, I know Omaha pretty well.
Continue reading Savages in the Heartland of America?

Green Mountain Heroin Panic

Last week we talked about opiates and how heroin addiction and habit is overrated and mythologized–well here we go, the lefties in Vermont have too much time on their hands and the heroin helps them get through their aimless lives.

Tamiflu Overrated

Genentech says it can’t keep up with Tamiflu production, and the shortage is reported as a problem. Or is it.
Well, like most crises, it’s not, the benefits are overrated and amount to a reduction in severity or length of the flu at best, and Tamiflu resistance is increasing.

More on Temp Dredging from Last Year

Sure it was the warmest, but yes they have culled and parsed and sliced the record and reports.
That is why it is so important that Christy and Spencer keep us informed. Can’t fool the satellites.

Scientists Call November 2013 Alleged Hottest Record – ‘A Flop’ – Far From Record Warmest…Series Of Problems With Surface Stations

Camille Paglia and the Elitist Applecart

All you students of the modern culture and soft or hard science should have Camille on your radar.
She doesn’t pull punches and is erudite to an extreme degree in anthropological/cultural studies of modern society.
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Computer Plant Chemicals may cause Cancer

Read this and consider the rash of chemophobe anxiety attacks that are coming.
The study didn’t find cancer patterns, but the cleaning chemicals used “cause cancer.”
And the Key–IBM has a deep pocket.
You know what cancer causing and carcinogenic mean–rats and mice bred to have tumors, then exposed to just less than lethal levels of the target chemical, had increased rates of tumors. That’s the usual EPA “cancer” and “carcinogen” research.
This is going to make some lawyers some money, somewhere, now IBM employees will suffer fear, maybe even pre, post or anticipated traumatic stress disorder or panic attacks? And other tech companies use the same chemicals? Shaaaazaaam or is it Ka ching.