Munoz case Goes South, Baby Might Die, Thanks to an Activist Judge

The Texas law in question on the Munoz case is about saving the life of the baby when a mother is brain dead or otherwise disabled or incapacited that would compromise the survival of the baby in the uterus (womb for you old fashioned readers). The statute intended to make sure every effort was made to sustain the mother, who, even if brain dead of severely disabled, was the incubator for the life of the baby.

So the first judge just recused herself and the second Judge, a guy named Wallace, thinks he’s got it figured out.
He says she’s brain dead according to Texas law so he can kill her by court order.
He is supposed to be a sophisticated judge, who knows what statutes means and such. Apparently he is not aware of a live infant in her body being nurtured by her presence.
But here he goes, setting up the straw man on whether the mother is alive or dead. Clearly she is alive and capable of supporting a pregnancy consistent with the Texas law that says one must support the mother to save the baby.
I will not comment on whether the judge in this case is coloring his decision on the basis of allegations that the fetus is deformed.
I will also just walk on by the pathetic defense put up by John Peter Smith Hospital attorneys, who agree with he family that she is dead, when they know that, for purposes of the statute, she is not dead at all, but a perfectly fine incubator for a living but immature baby.
The JPS atttorneys, like most modern college educated and post modernist ninnies, have no cojones to make a legitimate defense of the law as intended to allow an in utero baby to survive until viability, even after the brain death of the mother.
I know what the law intended. The Media KNOWS NOTHING BUT THEIR PREJUDICES AND THEIR COMMITMENT TO THE THROW AWAY CULTURE. It’s only a small thing and it may even be deformed, say the postmodernist utilitarians.
My prediction is that the JPS lawyers have been hoping for some jackass judge to ignore the intent and the meaning of the law.
They will not appeal. In a normal probate proceeding with a life at risk a judge, a responsible judge would assign a guardian ad litem for the life of the baby. No such thing has been done. Only the decision of the JPS Lawyers to enforce the Texas Law will be the half ass guardian ad litem. One thing is for certain, the new trial judge doesn’t intend to enforce the letter or intent of the law as passed more than 10 years ago.
It will not work and the throw away society will march on. The husband of the mother and the parents want to move on.
To hell with the baby.
Readers of, consider what life means, what the baby might mean, deformed, disabled or not.
However do not ignore how important this is. We might hope that someone will pick up the appeal to enforce the law, passed by the Texas Legislature, that says a fetus is a person, deserving of saving from homicide.

2 thoughts on “Munoz case Goes South, Baby Might Die, Thanks to an Activist Judge”

  1. It’s a baby and valuable when we want it to be (like a person kills a pregnant woman or injures the pregnant woman and the baby dies or when a crackhead gets pregnant and we don’t want her doing crack while pregnant) and it’s a lump of tissue when we want it to be (like a woman got knocked up after a one night stand thinks it’s unfair the guy can’t get pregnant or when an abortion is desired or when actions should never have consequences). Everyone knows that. It’s like Schroedinger’s cat–it’s a human when declared as such and not a human when declared as such.

  2. tA few years ago I came across data that said that Japanese women preferred abortion to the pill as a method of birth control. My Japanese American girlfriend said her mother had 5-6 abortions while mothering a very successful three children. My girlfriend was a quality woman who realized that she could do better than me. So the aversion to abortion demonstrated in John1282’s writing is far from universal. Even in America roughly one of three women will use abortion during her life.
    I believe that the aversion to infanticide and abortion came at the time of the black plague. Prior to the plague, life in Europe was truly miserable as the population hit a Malthusian limit. The Plague wiped out about half (the one third that is often sited refers to just one of a series of episodes.) The plague opened up an opportunity in the re-population of the continent. Extra lives were useful in the recurring warfare.
    I find the anti-abortion writings in this web site off putting.

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