6 thoughts on “How Many Laws, How Many Regs”

  1. We are well on our way to a collapse like the Soviet Union. The fundamental thing that destroyed the Totalitarian State was overhead. When you have more people living off those who produce real, saleable, products, than people who produce those products the society becomes unsustainable. It’s a fundamental economic principle.

  2. “Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted—and you create a nation of lawbreakers—and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Rearden, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”

  3. i love a man who thinks of Cicero. I was educated to love Cicero. Have his letters to his son on my shelf along with his orations.

  4. Remember the old saying (Roman Senator Cicero, d. 43 BC): “More law, less justice”. What has changed in 2000 years? Says it all, really.

  5. Amen, Bob! (Oops! I think I just violated some law or reg – have mercy – I didn’t know!) No excuse citizen – come with me.
    Not too far-fetched a scenario I’m afraid.

  6. Compliance is a major US industry. Just think how many people would be out on the streets looking for honest work if they did away with the regs.
    Remember you are very likely in violation.
    of something.

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