More from Thomas Sowell on Facts and Fantasy

Thomas Sowell continues his series of essays on fact free liberal thinking.
We already put up the first and II.

Sowell Essay III on the promises of the War on Poverty
And here comes Bill Gates, optimistic that there will be almost no countries that are poor by 2035.
Sowell Essay IV on the intolerance and spiteful nature of leftists, and their reaction to facts and dissent.
Funny, people who claim such good intentions and such open minded tolerance are mendacious and malicious to any dissenter.

One thought on “More from Thomas Sowell on Facts and Fantasy”

  1. Sowell, as usual, makes a powerful argument. One of the things I’ve noticed is that they keep using the same arguments for these programs. It would seem that after 50 years they would find new reasons or admit failure and change the program. Neither politics nor dependency on the government seem to work that way.

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